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An entity object represents a person (that is, a data subject), organization, or object that data is stored about in the vault. Every attribute has an associated entity.


The metadata associated with an entity is as follows:

Name Type Description
id String A unique identifier for this entity.
type String The type of this entity.
tags Array<String> A list of tags that should be automatically applied to all attributes for this entity.
legalHold boolean Indicates whether this entity is under a legal hold. If true, all destructive actions (deleting or overwriting data) are prevented.
created String An ISO 8601 representation of the timestamp when the entity was created.
modified String An ISO 8601 representation of the timestamp when the entity (or the associated data) was most recently modified.


An example entity definition:

  "id": "user0001",
  "type": "datasubject",
  "tags": ["ExampleTag"],
  "legalHold": false,
  "created": "2020-09-03T02:18:54Z",
  "updated": "2020-09-24T18:28:29Z",