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Attribute Definitions

POST /attributes

Creates or edits an attribute definition. If there is an existing attribute in the system with the key of the provided attribute, that attribute will be updated; otherwise, a new attribute will be created.


Body Parameters (Required)

Name Type Description
payload AttributeDefinition Description of new attribute

Example payload

  "name": "Sample Attribute",
  "entityTypes": [ "datasubject" ],
  "tags": [
  "hint": "example data for this attribute",
  "immutable": false,
  "indexed": false,
  "regulations": [ "GDPR", "CCPA" ],
  "repeatable": true,
  "schema": "string"

Example response

On success, returns 201 Created and a description of the updated attribute.

  "data": {
    "key": "SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE",
    "name": "Sample Attribute",
    "entityTypes": [ "datasubject" ],
    "tags": [
    "hint": "example data for this attribute",
    "immutable": false,
    "indexed": false,
    "regulations": [ "GDPR", "CCPA" ],
    "repeatable": true,
    "schema": "string",
    "createdDate": "2020-09-03T02:18:54Z",
    "modifiedDate": "2020-09-24T18:28:29Z",

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
400 Attribute must contain at least one of key or name Returned if an attribute definition is received that contains neither a key nor a name.
400 Attribute key must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores Returned if the provided attribute key contains disallowed characters.
400 Schema cannot be null Returned if no schema was provided.
400 Sub-attribute key contains unusable characters Returned if a sub-attribute key contained in the attribute's schema contains disallowed characters.
400 Schema has unexpected class Returned if the schema of this attribute, or one of its sub-attributes, is netiher a JSON object nor a string (i.e. a number, a boolean value, a list, or null)
400 No such regulation Returned if the provided list of regulations contains one or more regulations that do not exist in the system
400 No such entity type Returned if the provided list of applicable entity types contains one or more types that do not exist in the system
402 Your current subscription is limited to (number) custom attributes Your current license has a hard limit on the number of attribute definitions created, and you have reached the limit
403 Forbidden access to edit attribute definitions Your application does not have permission to edit attribute definitions.
409 Cannot change existing attribute from repeatable to non-repeatable, as it would invalidate existing data Returned when edits to a repeatable attribute definition would make it become non-repeatable, if there are data subjects that have multiple values for this attribute
409 Cannot edit attribute schema, as it may invalidate existing data Returned when attempting to specify a new schema for an attribute definition that is in use (editing the schema for an attribute definition that no data uses is allowed)
409 Cannot remove entity types from attribute, as it would invalidate existing data Returned when attempting to remove entity types from an attribute definition when there are attributes belonging to that definition for entities that are of one or more of the types being removed

GET /attributes

Retrieves data for all attribute definitions in the system. Returns a list of AttributeDefinition objects.



Example response

  "data": [
      "key": "SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE",
      "name": "Sample Attribute",
      "entityTypes": [ "datasubject" ],
      "tags": ["financial", "medical"],
      "hint": "example data for this attribute",
      "immutable": false,
      "indexed": true,
      "createdDate": "2020-09-03T02:18:54Z",
      "modifiedDate": "2020-09-24T18:28:29Z",
      "schema": "string",
      "repeatable": false,
      "regulations": [ "GDPR", "HIPAA" ]

GET /attributes/{attributeKey}

Displays information about one attribute definition. Returns an AttributeDefinition object.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
attributeKey String Key of the attribute definition to describe

Example response

  "data": {
    "key": "SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE",
    "name": "Sample Attribute",
    "entityTypes": [ "datasubject" ],
    "tags": [
    "hint": "example data for this attribute",
    "immutable": false,
    "indexed": false,
    "regulations": [ "GDPR", "CCPA" ],
    "repeatable": true,
    "schema": "string",
    "createdDate": "2020-09-03T02:18:54Z",
    "modifiedDate": "2020-09-24T18:28:29Z",

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
404 No such attribute The system does not contain an attribute with the specified key.

DELETE /attributes/{attributeKey}

Deletes an attribute definition if it is not being used.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
attributeKey String Key of the attribute definition to delete

Example response

  "data": "Successfully Deleted Attribute"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
403 Forbidden access to delete attribute definitions Your application does not have permission to delete attribute definitions.
409 Cannot delete attribute, because it is in use There is existing data in the system that uses this attribute definition, and as such the attribute definition cannot be deleted.
409 Cannot delete attribute, because it is referenced by rule There is a rule that references this attribute definition, and as such the attribute definition cannot be deleted.
404 Attribute not found The system does not contain an attribute with the specified key.