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POST /regulations

Creates or edits a regulation. If there is an existing regulation in the system with the key of the provided regulation, that regulation will be updated; otherwise, a new regulation will be created.


Body Parameters (Required)

Name Type Description
payload Regulation Description of new regulation

Example payload

  "name": "Sample Regulation",
  "url": ""

Example response

  "data": "Regulation created"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
402 Your current subscription is limited to (number) custom regulations Your current license has a hard limit on the number of regulations created, and you have reached the limit

GET /regulations

Retrieves data for all regulations in the system. Returns a list of Regulation objects.



Example response

  "data" : [
      "key": "SAMPLE_REGULATION",
      "name": "Sample Regulation",
      "url": "",
      "createdDate": "2020-01-01T04:00:00Z",
      "modifiedDate": "2020-09-25T01:10:02Z"

GET /regulations/{regulationKey}

Displays information about one regulation. Returns a Regulation object, or 404 Not Found if there is no regulation with the specified key.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
regulationKey String Key of the regulation to describe

Example response

  "data": {
    "name": "Sample Regulation",
    "url": "",
    "createdDate": "2020-01-01T04:00:00Z",
    "modifiedDate": "2020-09-25T01:10:02Z"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
404 No such regulation The system does not contain a regulation with the specified key.

DELETE /regulations/{regulationKey}

Deletes a specified regulation, and untags it from all attributes. Returns 404 Not Found if there is no regulation with the specified key.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
regulationKey String Key of the regulation to delete

Example response

  "data": "Regulation deleted"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
404 Regulation not found The system does not contain a regulation with the specified key.