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Entity Types

POST /entitytypes

Creates or edits an entity type. If there is an existing entity type in the system with the provided key, that type will be updated; otherwise, a new entity type will be created.


Body Parameters (Required)

Name Type Description
payload EntityType Description of new entity type

Example payload

  "key": "sampleEntityType",
  "name": "Sample Entity Type",
  "description": "An example of an entity type"

GET /entitytypes

Retrieves data for all entity types in the system. Returns a list of EntityType objects.



Example response

  "data": [
      "key": "sampleEntityType",
      "name": "Sample Entity Type",
      "description": "An example of an entity type"
      "key": "datasubject",
      "name": "Data Subject",
      "description": "A natural person about whom data is collected"

GET /entitytypes/{typeKey}

Displays information about one entity type. Returns an EntityType object.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
typeKey String Key of the entity type to describe

Example response

  "data": {
    "key": "datasubject",
    "name": "Data Subject",
    "description": "A natural person about whom data is collected"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
404 No such entity type The system does not contain an entity type with the specified key.

DELETE /entitytypes/{typeKey}

Deletes an entity type if it is not being used.

Path Parameters

Name Type Description
typeKey String Key of the entity type to delete

Example response

  "data": "Successfully Deleted Entity Type"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
405 Cannot delete entity type, as it is managed by the system You are trying to delete an entity type such as datasubject that is required for the functioning of the system.
409 Cannot delete entity type, as there are entities belonging to it There are existing entities in the system that belong to this entity type, and as such it cannot be deleted.
409 Cannot delete entity type, as there are attributes referencing it There are attribute definitions in the system that are applicable to this entity type, and as such it cannot be deleted until it has been removed from those types.
404 Entity type not found The system does not contain an attribute with the specified key.