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Integrate into your Vault APIs using one of our official libraries.

We offer an official SDK for most languages widely used in the industry today and are actively maintained by our engineering team.

Library not available for your desired language? Feel free to contribute to our open source community!

How does the SDK work?


<!-- In your pom.xml -->
# Installing via NuGet
Install-Package Anontech-VizivaultClient
npm install anontech-vizivault-client
pip install -e git://
// Coming soon...

Vault Setup

String encryptionKey = System.getenv("VIZIVAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY");
String decryptionKey = System.getenv("VIZIVAULT_DECRYPTION_KEY");
ViziVault vault = new ViziVault(url)
string encryptionKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VIZIVAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY");
string decryptionKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VIZIVAULT_DECRYPTION_KEY");
ViziVault vault = new ViziVault(url)
const encryptionKey = process.env.VIZIVAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY;
const decryptionKey = process.env.VIZIVAULT_DECRYPTION_KEY;
let vault = new ViziVault()
vault = vizivault.ViziVault(
$encryptionKey = getenv("VIZIVAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY");
$decryptionKey = getenv("VIZIVAULT_DECRYPTION_KEY");
$vault = new ViziVault()


The ViziVault ecosystem organizes your data using the concept of attributes. Every data point consists of three main components: a data subject id, which represents who the data is about; a value, which is some piece of information about the data subject; and an attribute, which expresses the relationship between the data subject and the value. For example, in an online retail application, there would be an attribute for shipping addresses, an attribute for billing addresses, an attribute for credit card information, and so on.

Adding an Attribute to a Data Subject

Attributes are stored as key/value pairs of strings. Some attributes are repeatable, such that multiple values can be stored for the same data subject; others are not repeatable, such that adding a new value to a data subject will overwrite any previous values. You can control whether an attribute is repeatable by modifying the associated attribute definition.

// Adding an attribute to a newly-created data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = new DataSubject("exampleUser");
dataSubject.addAttribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane");;

// Adding an attribute to a data subject retrieved from the vault
DataSubject dataSubject = vault.findByDataSubject("Client6789");
dataSubject.addAttribute("FULL_ADDRESS", "1 Hacker Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210");;

// Adding an attribute with additional metadata to a data subject
Attribute attribute = new Attribute("LAST_NAME");
// Adding an attribute to a newly-created data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = new DataSubject("exampleUser");
dataSubject.AddAttribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane");
await vault.SaveAsync(dataSubject);

// Adding an attribute to data subject retrieved from the vault
DataSubject dataSubject = await vault.FindByDataSubjectAsync("User1234");
dataSubject.AddAttribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane");
await vault.SaveAsync(DataSubject);

// Adding an attribute with additional metadata to a data subject
AttributeValue attribute = new Attribute("LAST_NAME") {
    Tags = new List<String>{"ExampleTag"},
    Value = "Smith"
await vault.SaveAsync(dataSubject);
// Adding an attribute to user
vault.findByUser("User1234").then((user) => {
    user.setAttribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane");;

// Adding an attribute to entity
vault.findByEntity("Client6789").then((entity) => {
    entity.setAttribute("FULL_ADDRESS", "1 Hacker Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210");;
# Adding an attribute to user
user = vault.find_by_user("User1234")
user.add_attribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane")

# Adding an attribute to entity
entity = vault.find_by_entity("Client6789")
entity.add_attribute("FULL_ADDRESS", "1 Hacker Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210")
// Adding an attribute to user
$user = $vault->findByUser("User1234");
$user->setAttribute("FIRST_NAME", "Jane");

// Adding an attribute to entity
$entity = $vault->findByUser("Client6789");
$entity->setAttribute("FULL_ADDRESS", "1 Hacker Way, Beverly Hills, CA 90210");

Retrieving all Attributes of a Data Subject

Retrieves all Attributes for the specified data subject. Returns a list of Attribute objects.

// Retrieving all attributes for a data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = vault.findByDataSubject("User1234");
List<Attribute> attributes = dataSubject.getAttributes();
// Retrieving all attributes for a data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = await vault.FindByDataSubjectAsync("User1234");
List<Attribute> attributes = dataSubject.Attributes;
// Retrieving all attributes for a user
vault.findByUser("User1234").then((user) => {
    let attributes = user.getAttributes();

// Retrieving all attributes for an entity
vault.findByEntity("Client6789").then((entity) => {
    let attributes = entity.getAttributes();
# Retrieving all attributes for a user
user = vault.find_by_user("User1234")
attributes = user.get_attributes()

# Retrieving all attributes for an entity
entity = vault.find_by_entity("Client6789")
attributes = entity.get_attributes()
// Retrieving all attributes for a user
$user = $vault->findByUser("User1234");
$attributes = $user->getAttributes();

// Retrieving all attributes for an entity
$entity = $vault->findByEntity("Client6789");
$attributes = $entity->getAttributes();

Retrieving an Attribute of a Data Subject

Retrieves a single specified attribute for the specified data subject. For repeatable attributes, use getAttributes(attributeName); for non-repeatable attributes, use getAttribute(attributeName).

// Retrieving specific attribute for a data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = vault.findByDataSubject("User1234");
Attribute attribute = dataSubject.getAttribute("FIRST_NAME");

// Retrieving multiple values for a repeatable attribute
List<Attribute> attributes = dataSubject.getAttributes("SHIPPING_ADDRESS");
// Retrieving specific attribute for a data subject
DataSubject dataSubject = await vault.FindByDataSubjectAsync("User1234");
Attribute attribute = dataSubject.GetAttribute("FIRST_NAME");

// Retrieving multiple values for a repeatable attribute
List<Attribute> attributes = dataSubject.GetAttributes("SHIPPING_ADDRESS");
// Retrieving specific attribute for a user
vault.findByUser("User1234").then((user) => {
    let attribute = user.getAttribute("FIRST_NAME");

// Retrieving specific attribute for an entity
let entity = vault.findByEntity("Client6789").then((entity) => {
    let attribute = entity.getAttribute("FULL_ADDRESS");
# Retrieving specific attribute for a user
user = vault.find_by_user("User1234")
attribute = user.get_attribute("FIRST_NAME")

# Retrieving specific attribute for an entity
entity = vault.find_by_entity("Client6789")
attributes = entity.get_attribute("FULL_ADDRESS")
// Retrieving specific attribute for a user
$user = $vault->findByUser("User1234");
$attribute = $user->getAttribute("FIRST_NAME");

// Retrieving specific attribute for an entity
$entity = $vault->findByEntity("Client6789");
$attributes = $entity->getAttribute("FULL_ADDRESS");

Deleting Data Subject Attributes

Attributes can be removed from the data subject object by calling clearAttribute with the specified attribute name, or by calling purge to remove all attributes. Additionally, all attributes have a unique datapoint id, and attributes can be deleted using this id.

// Purging all data subject attributes

// Removing all values of a specific attribute
DataSubject dataSubject = vault.findByDataSubject("User1234");

// Removing an individual value by its datapoint id
// Purging all data subject attributes
await vault.PurgeAsync("User1234");

// Removing specific attribute
DataSubject dataSubject = await vault.FindByDataSubjectAsync("User1234");
await vault.SaveAsync(dataSubject);

// Removing an individual value by its datapoint id
await vault.DeleteDataPointAsync("123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000");
// Purging all user attributes

// Removing specific attribute
let user = vault.findByUser("User1234").then((user) => {
# Purging all user attributes

# Removing specific attribute
user = vault.findByUser("User1234")

# Removing an individual value by its datapoint id
// Purging all user attributes
$user = $vault->findByUser("User1234");

// Removing specific attribute
$user = $vault->findByUser("User1234");


To search a vault for attributes, pass in a SearchRequest. A list of matching Attributes will be returned. For more information, read about ViziVault search.

int pageIndex = 0;
int maxCount = 25;
List<Attribute> attributes = SearchRequest("LAST_NAME", "Doe"), pageIndex, maxCount);
int pageIndex = 0;
int maxCount = 25;
List<Attribute> attributes = await vault.SearchAsync(new SearchRequest("LAST_NAME", "Doe"), pageIndex, maxCount);
const count = 1;
const page = 1; SearchRequest("LAST_NAME", "Doe"), page, count).then((attributes) => {
    // use attributes
attributes ="LAST_NAME", "Doe"), page=0, count=25)
$attributes = $ SearchRequest("LAST_NAME", "Doe"));

Attribute Definitions

Attributes are defined using an attribute definition object that contains all relevant metadata for the key. This is where attributes are given tags and regulations, along with a schema to specify the expected structure of the value of the attribute. Display names and hints can also be added to the attribute definition for ease of use and readability.

Storing an Attribute Definition in the Vault

To store an attribute definition, create an AttributeDefinition object and save it to the vault as shown in the following code.

AttributeDefinition attributeDef = new AttributeDefinition();
attributeDef.setName("Billing Address");
attributeDef.setTags(List.of("geographic_location", "financial"));
attributeDef.setHint("{ line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\"," +
                    "city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", " +
                    "postal_code: \"94025-1456\", country: \"USA\"" +
attributeDef.setSchema(PrimitiveSchema.STRING); // For simple, unstsructured data
attributeDef.schemaFromClass(YourModel.class); // Alternatively, creating a schema to store objects of a class

AttributeDefinition attributeDef = new AttributeDefinition(); = "Billing Address";
attributeDef.tags = {"geographic_location", "financial"};
attributeDef.hint = "{ line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\", city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", postal_code: \"94025-1456\" country: \"USA\" }";

attributeDef.SetSchema(PrimitiveSchema.String); // For simple, unstsructured data
attributeDef.SchemaFromClass(typeof(YourModel)); // Alternatively, creating a schema to store objects of a class
attributeDef.repeatable = false;
attributeDef.indexed = false;

await vault.StoreAttributeDefinitionAsync(attribute);
let attribute = new AttributeDefinition();
attribute.setName("Billing Address");
attribute.setTags(["geographic_location", "financial"]);
attribute.setHint("{ line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\", city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", postal_code: \"94025-1456\" country: \"USA\" }");
                    "line_one": "string",
                    "line_two": "string",
                    "city": "string",
                    "state": "string",
                    "postal_code": "string",
                    "country": "string"
attribute.setRegulations(["GDPR", "CCPA"]);

attribute = AttributeDefinition(
    name = "Billing Address",
    tags = ["geographic_location", "financial"],
    hint = "{ line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\", city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", postal_code: \"94025-1456\" country: \"USA\" }",
    schema = json.dumps({ 
                    "line_one": "string",
                    "line_two": "string",
                    "city": "string",
                    "state": "string",
                    "postal_code": "string",
                    "country": "string"
    repeatable = false,
    indexed = false,
    regulations = ["GDPR", "CCPA"]

$attribute = new AttributeDefinition();
$attribute->setName("Billing Address");
$attribute->setTags(array("geographic_location", "financial"));
$attribute->setHint("{ line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\", 
                    city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", 
                    postal_code: \"94025-1456\", country: \"USA\"
                    "line_one": "string",
                    "line_two": "string",
                    "city": "string",
                    "state": "string",
                    "postal_code": "string",
                    "country": "string"
$attribute->setRegulations(array("GDPR", "CCPA"));


Retrieving Attribute Definitions from the Vault

To view metadata about attribute definitions, call getAttributeDefinition to view one attribute definition by name or getAttributeDefinitions to list all attribute definitions in the system.

// Retrieving all attribute definitions
List<AttributeDefinition> attributeDefs = vault.getAttributeDefinitions();

// Retrieving specific attribute definition
AttributeDefinition attributeDef = vault.getAttributeDefinition("Billing Address");
  // Retrieving all attributes
List<AttributeDefinition> attributes = await vault.GetAttributeDefinitionsAsync();

// Retrieving specific attribute
AttributeDefinition attribute = await vault.GetAttributeDefinitionAsync("Billing Address");
// Retrieving all attributes
let attributes = vault.getAttributeDefinitions();

// Retrieving specific attribute
let attribute = vault.getAttributeDefinition("Billing Address");
# Retrieving all attributes
attributes = vault.get_attribute_definitions()

# Retrieving specific attribute
attribute = vault.get_attribute_definition("Billing Address")
// Retrieving all attributes
$attributes = $vault->getAttributeDefinitions();

// Retrieving specific attribute
$attribute = $vault->getAttributeDefinition("Billing Address");


Tags are user-defined strings that can be applied to attributes to aid in classification and searching.

Storing a Tag in the Vault

To store a new tag, create a Tag object and save it to the vault.

vault.storeTag(new Tag("Financial Data"));
await vault.StoreTagAsync(new Tag("Financial Data")); Tag("Financial Data"));
tag = vault.store_tag(Tag("Financial Data"))
$tag = $vault->save(new Tag("Financial Data"));

Retrieving Tags from the Vault

Like attribute definition metadata, tag metadata can be retrieved for a single tag or for all tags in the system.

// Retrieving all tags
List<Tag> tags = vault.getTags();

// Retrieving specific tag
Tag tag = vault.getTag("Financial Data");
// Retrieving all tags
List<Tag> tags = await vault.GetTagsAsync();

// Retrieving specific tag
String tag = await vault.GetTagAsync("Financial Data");
// Retrieving all tags
vault.getTags().then((tags) => {
    // use tags

// Retrieving specific tag
vault.getTag("Financial Data").then((tag) => {
    // use tag
# Retrieving all tags
tags = vault.get_tags()

# Retrieving specific tag
tag = vault.get_tag("Financial Data")
// Retrieving all tags
$tags = $vault->getTags();

// Retrieving specific tag
$tag = $vault->getTag("Financial Data");

Deleting Tags from the Vault

To delete a tag, specify the tag to be removed. A boolean denoting the status of the operation will be returned. This will remove the tag from all attributes, attribute definitions, and data subjects that are currently tagged with it.

// Removing a specific tag
boolean removed = vault.deleteTag("Financial Data");
// Removing a specific tag
bool removed = await vault.DeleteTagAsync("Financial Data");
// Removing a specific tag
vault.removeTag("Financial Data").then((removed) => {
    // removed is a boolean
# Removing a specific tag
removed = vault.remove_tag("Financial Data")
// Removing a specific tag
$removed = $vault->removeTag("Financial Data");


A regulation object represents a governmental regulation that impacts how you can use the data in your vault. Each data point can have a number of regulations associated with it, which makes it easier to ensure your use of the data is compliant. You can tag data points with regulations when entering them into the system, or specify rules that the system will use to automatically tag regulations for you.

Storing a Regulation in the Vault

To store a regulation to the vault, create a Regulation object, set its key and its display name along with a URL pointing to further information about it, and call storeRegulation. To automatically apply regulations to incoming data, rules can be specified.

// Storing a regulation
Regulation regulation = new Regulation();
regulation.setName("General Data Protection Regulation");
regulation.setRule(new UserRule("GEOGRAPHIC_REGION", UserRule.UserValuePredicate.EQUALS, "EU"));
// Storing a regulation
Regulation regulation = new Regulation();
regulation.Key = "GDPR";
regulation.Name = "General Data Protection Regulation";
regulation.Url = "";
regulation.Rule = new UserRule("GEOGRAPHIC_REGION", UserRule.UserValuePredicate.Eq, "EU");
await vault.StoreRegulationAsync(regulation);
// Storing a regulation
let regulation = new Regulation();
regulation.setName("General Data Protection Regulation");
regulation.setRule(new UserRule("GEOGRAPHIC_REGION", UserRule.UserValuePredicate.EQUALS, "EU"));;
# Storing a regulation
regulation = Regulation(key="GDPR", 
                        name="General Data Protection Regulation",
savedRegulation = vault.store_regulation(regulation)
// Storing a regulation
$regulation = new Regulation("GDPR", 
                                "General Data Protection Regulation",
$savedRegulation = $vault->save($regulation);

Retrieving Regulations from the Vault

Regulations can be retrieved as a list of Regulation objects or by requesting a single regulation by its key.

// Retrieving all regulations
List<Regulation> regulations = vault.getRegulations();

// Retrieving specific regulation
Regulation regulation = vault.getRegulation("GDPR");
/// Retrieving all regulations
List<Regulation> regulations = await vault.GetRegulationsAsync();

// Retrieving specific regulation
Regulation regulation = await vault.GetRegulationAsync("GDPR");
// Retrieving all regulations
vault.getRegulations().then((regulations) {
    // use regulations

// Retrieving specific regulation
vault.getRegulation("GDPR").then((regulation) => {
    // use regulation
# Retrieving all regulations
regulations = vault.get_regulations

# Retrieving specific regulation
regulation = vault.get_regulation("GDPR")
// Retrieving all regulations
$regulations = $vault->getRegulations();

// Retrieving specific regulation
$regulation = $vault->getRegulation("GDPR");

Deleting Regulations from the Vault

To remove a regulation, specify the key of the regulation to be removed. A boolean denoting the status of the operation will be returned.

// Removing a specific regulation
boolean removed = vault.deleteRegulation("GDPR");
// Removing a specific regulation
bool removed = await vault.DeleteRegulationAsync("GDPR");
// Removing a specific regulation
vault.removeRegulation("GDPR").then((removed) => {
    // removed is a boolean
# Removing a specific regulation
removed = vault.delete_regulation("GDPR")
// Removing a specific regulation
$removed = $vault->removeRegulation("GDPR");