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In this quickstart we will be overviewing several functions you will typically want to do to help start securing, understanding and using the personal data in your system.


In this tutorial you will learn how to load and retrieve personal data about your clients contained in a JSON file. While it's possible to use any personal client data source, we've included a CSV file of ten data subjects with typical data.

  1. If you don't have a vault deployed for your organization already, reach out and request a demo vault.

    Request a Vault

  2. When you get your demo vault, you will need its web address.

    • For cloud-hosted vaults, this will be of the form, where the vault identifier is a hexadecimal code unique to your organization.
    • For locally-hosted vaults, your administrator can prove you with the root URL to your hosted ViziVault instance.
  3. Download the example CSV file

    Download Sample File

Get your encryption key pair

Put your public encryption key into a file. In a production system, you may wish to secure your private decryption key further. Even though we deliver our data securely to your system, you may wish to take precautions to secure these keys in your environment.

Initialize your connection to the vault

With your decryption key, encryption key, path, and application key, we can initialize the connection to your vault. Note that for the purposes of this quickstart we provide the connection with the encryption and decryption key. However, in your application, you may only wish to pull down data and decrypt with the decryption key, or only create new data with the encryption key. Using application keys and access to encyption and decryption keys lets you manage exactly how data is accessed and controlled.

In the following eample you will want to make the following replacements:

  1. Replace "./resources/test_encryption_key.txt" with the path to your encryption file

  2. Replace "./resources/test_decryption_key.txt" with the path to your decryption file

  3. Replace "' with the secure http address and port of your provided vault.

    using IO.Anontech.Vizivault;
    using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO; // for CSV parser

    /* your namespace and class definition here */

    string decryptionKey = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("decryptionKey.txt");
    string encryptionKey = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("encryptionKey.txt");
    ViziVault vault = new ViziVault(new Uri("")).WithApiKey("your-api-key").WithDecryptionKey(decryptionKey).WithEncryptionKey(encryptionKey);
from  vizivault import ViziVault, AttributeDefinition, SearchRequest
#You'll need this later to load the CSV sample file
import csv 

# 1. Replace 'my_encryption_file.txt'  with the path to your encryption file
with open('my_encryption_file.txt', 'r') as encryption_file:
    encryption_key =

# 2. Replace 'my_decryption_file.txt' with the path to your decryption file
with open('my_decryption_file.txt', 'r') as decryption_file:
    decryption_key =

# Connect to the vault
# 3. Replace '' with the web address and port of your vault server
# 4. Replace '12345' with the api key (application key) of your application. 

vault = vizivault.ViziVault(base_url='', api_key='12345', encryption_key=encryption_key,
 // 1. Replace 'decryptionKey.txt'  with the path to your encryption file
FileInputStream decKeyFile = new FileInputStream(new File("src" + File.separator + "test" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "decryptionKey.txt"));
decryptionKey = new String(decKeyFile.readAllBytes());

// 2. Replace 'encryptionKey.txt'  with the path to your encryption file
FileInputStream encKeyFile = new FileInputStream(new File("src" + File.separator + "test" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "encryptionKey.txt"));
encryptionKey = new String(encKeyFile.readAllBytes());

// Connect to the vault
// 3. Replace '' with the web address and port of your vault server
// 4. Replace '12345' with the api key (application key) of your application.
ViziVault vault = new ViziVault(new URL("http://localhost:8080")).withApiKey("12345").withDecryptionKey(decryptionKey).withEncryptionKey(encryptionKey);

Creating Attributes

The first thing we will need to do is establish attributes to store all of the data from our client. Attribute definitions specify the structure and rules that will govern how your data is stored. For example, this can tell ViziVault whether a data subject can have more than one value of an attribute, and whether the data should be indexed for search functionality. We can also directly associate tags and regulations here, establishing how Vizivault will treat the data for retention, storage, and sharing.

We start with creating some very simple attributes with no structure, such as strings or numeric data. In the next example we will see how to handle data in cases where you only may be interested in retrieving part of a related set of data, or where the data has an internal structure. The hint parameter contains a sample value of the attribute for the purposes of demonstrating the intended format.

AttributeDefinition eyeColorAttributeDef = new AttributeDefinition("EyeColor") {
    Hint = "Green"
AttributeDefinition ageAttributeDef = new AttributeDefinition("Age") {
    Hint = "18"

await vault.StoreAttributeDefinitionAsync(eyeColorAttributeDef);
await vault.StoreAttributeDefinitionAsync(ageAttributeDef);
eye_color_attribute_def = vault.AttributeDefinition(key="EYE_COLOR", name="Eye Color", hint="Green")
age_attribute_def = vault.AttributeDefinition(key="AGE", name="Age", hint="18")

AttributeDefinition eyeColorattributeDef = new AttributeDefinition("EyeColor");
AttributeDefinition ageAttributeDef= new AttributeDefinition("Age");


Creating Attributes with Structure

Let's add some attributes with structure. Here we add a data subject's full name and their billing address. We may wish to extract, update, or perform business logic on part of this data, so we store related attribute data in schemas. Here we add schemas that allow nested structures with multiple components. Each component has a type which can be:

  • string: For textual data, up to 126 characters long.
  • int: For data that can be expressed as an integer.
  • float: For numeric data that cannot be expressed as an integer.
  • boolean: For data that takes one of the two values "true" or "false".
  • file: For data that takes more than 126 characters to represent, such as long text files or base64-encoded representations of image files.
    // Put these classes in your namespace
    public class Name {
        public string FirstName {get; set;}
        public string LastName {get; set;}
        public string MiddleName {get; set;}
        public string Nickname {get; set;}
        public string MaidenName {get; set;}
        public string Company {get; set;}
    public class Address {
        public string LineOne {get; set;}
        public string LineTwo {get; set;}
        public string City {get; set;}
        public string State {get; set;}
        public string PostalCode {get; set;}
        public string Country {get; set;}

    AttributeDefinition nameAttributeDef = new AttributeDefinition("Name") {
        Hint = "{first_name: \"Agnes\", last_name: \"Driscoll\", middle_name: \"May\", nickname: \"Madame X\", maiden_name: \"Meyer\", company: \"Hebern Electric\"}"

    AttributeDefinition addressAttributeDef = new AttributeDefinition("Address") {
        Hint = "{line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\", line_two: \"Apt. 53\", city: \"Menlo Park\", state: \"California\", postal_code: \"94025-1456\", country: \"USA\"}"

    await vault.StoreAttributeDefinitionAsync(nameAttributeDef);
    await vault.StoreAttributeDefinitionAsync(addressAttributeDef);
name_attribute_def = vault.AttributeDefinition(
    name="Client Name",
    hint="{first_name: \"Agnes\","
            "last_name: \"Driscoll\","
            "middle_name: \"May\","
            "nickname: \"Madame X\","
            "maiden_name: \"Meyer\","
            "company: \"Hebern Electric\"}",
            "first_name": "string",
            "last_name": "string",
            "middle_name": "string",
            "nickname": "string",
            "maiden_name": "string",
            "company": "string"

address_attribute_def = vault.AttributeDefinition(
    name="Billing Address",
    hint="{line_one: \"1 Hacker Way\","
        "line_two: \"Apt. 53\", "
        "city: \"Menlo Park\", "
        "state: \"California\", "
        "postal_code: \"94025-1456\", "
        "country: \"USA\"}",
        "line_one": "string",
        "line_two": "string",
        "city": "string",
        "state": "string",
        "postal_code": "string",
        "country": "string"

public static class Name {

    public String firstName;
    public String lastName;
    public String middleName;
    public String nickName;
    public String maidenName;
    public String company;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

    public void setMiddleName(String middleName) {
        this.middleName = middleName;

    public void setNickName(String nickName) {
        this.nickName = nickName;

    public void setMaidenName(String maidenName) {
        this.maidenName = maidenName;

    public void setCompany(String company) { = company;


public static class Address {
    public String street;
    public String city;
    public String state;
    public String postalCode;
    public String country;

    public void setStreet(String street) {
        this.street = street;

    public void setCity(String city) { = city;

    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

    public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
        this.postalCode = postalCode;

    public void setCountry(String country) { = country;


Loading Data

Now that we have attributes, let's load some data. We will iterate over every example in our sample CSV. For each row we define a data subject based on the subject id. Then we simply load the vaules for the flat files. For structured object data we create a hash structure and insert the key/value pairs. Finally, we save the completed data subject to the vault.

using (var parser = new TextFieldParser("./resources/tutorial_test.csv")) {
    parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;

    string[] headers = parser.ReadFields();

    while (!parser.EndOfData) {
        string[] cells = parser.ReadFields();
        Dictionary<string, string> userData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        for(int i=0; i<cells.Length; ++i) {
            userData[headers[i]] = cells[i];

        DataSubject dataSubject = new DataSubject(userData["SUBJECTID"]);

        dataSubject.addAttribute(eyeColorAttributeDef.Name, userData["EYE_COLOR"]);
        dataSubject.addAttribute(ageAttributeDef.Name, userData["AGE"]);
        dataSubject.addAttribute(nameAttributeDef.Name, new Name(){
            FirstName = userData["FIRST_NAME"],
            LastName = userData["LAST_NAME"],
            MiddleName = userData["MIDDLE_NAME"],
            Company = userData["COMPANY"]
        dataSubject.addAttribute(addressAttributeDef.Name, new Address(){
            Street = userData["STREET"],
            City = userData["CITY"],
            State = userData["STATE"],
            Country = userData["COUNTRY"]

        await vault.SaveAsync(dataSubject);
with open('./resources/tutorial_test.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    header_row = True

    user_data = {}
    for row in csv_reader:
        if header_row:
            headers = row
            header_row = False
            for index, name in enumerate(headers, start=0):
                user_data[name] = row[index]

            # Create a User
            new_user = User(user_data['USERID'])

            # Add the attribute values
            new_user.add_attribute(attribute=eye_color_attribute_def.key, value=user_data["EYE_COLOR"])
            new_user.add_attribute(attribute=age_attribute_def.key, value=user_data["AGE"])

            # Create a dictionary for the user's name
            user_name = {
                "first_name": user_data["FIRST_NAME"],
                "last_name": user_data["LAST_NAME"],
                "middle_name": user_data["MIDDLE_NAME"],
                "company": user_data["COMPANY"]

            # Save the user's name
            new_user.add_attribute(attribute=name_attribute_def.key, value=user_name)

            # Create a dictionary for the address
            address = {
                "street": user_data["STREET"],
                "city": user_data["CITY"],
                "state": user_data["STATE"],
                "country": user_data["COUNTRY"]

            # Save the Address
            new_user.add_attribute(attribute=address_attribute_def.key, value=address)


    # Cleanup
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
        header_row = True

        user_data = {}
        for row in csv_reader:
            if header_row:
                headers = row
                header_row = False
File csvSampleFile = new File("src" + File.separator + "test" + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "tutorial_test.csv");
Reader csvReader = new FileReader(csvSampleFile);

// Use Jackson
Iterator<Map<String, String>> iterator = new CsvMapper()

while(iterator.hasNext()) {
    Map<String, String> csvVals =;
    DataSubject dataSubject=new DataSubject(csvVals.get("SUBJECTID"));


    Name name=new Name();


    Address address=new Address();




Retrieving Data for a Data Subject

Now that we have data in the system, let's try to get our data back. Here we grab the data for a data subject with the id 101.

DataSubject receivedSubject = await vault.FindByDataSubjectAsync("101");
foreach(AttributeValue attr in receivedSubject.Attributes) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Attribute: {attr.AttributeKey}; Value: {attr.Value}");
received_user = vault.find_by_user(entity_id='101')

for attribute in received_user.get_attributes():
    print('Attribute:' + attribute.attribute + 'Value:' + attribute.value)
DataSubject receivedSubject = vault.findByDataSubject("101");
for (Attribute attribute : receivedSubject.getAttributes()) {
  System.out.printf("attribute_name: %s attribute_value: %s%n", attribute.getAttribute(), attribute.getValue());

Next Steps

This guide covers basic usage. You can look at our tutorials for more advanced usage including searching and implementing rules.