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Report-Only Data

POST /auditlogs

Records activity for report-only data; that is, data that is not stored in the vault but is still being monitored. The purpose of this endpoint is to collect metadata about how sensitive data stored in external systems is being used.

While writes of external data can be recorded using the same API endpoint used for storing data in the vault, this endpoint allows recording reads and deletes as well as writes, as well as allowing more metadata to be expressed.


Body Parameters (Required)

Name Type Description
payload ExternalActivityEvent Description of accesses to externally-stored data

The structure of the ExternalActivityEvent object is as follows:

Name Type Description Usage
eventType String One of "READ", "STORE", "DELETE", or "UPDATE". Required
dataPointId String Unique identifier for the attribute being accessed. This can be an identifier that is created externally or one that is generated by ViziVault. Optional for "STORE" events (a new data point ID will be generated by ViziVault in this case); required for other events.
subjectId String Unique identifier for the data subject whom this attribute belongs to Required for "STORE" events; optional for other events as it can be derived from the data point id.
data Attribute The attribute being saved for a "STORE" or "UPDATE" event. For "STORE" events, data must contain attribute, and all other fields that would be used when storing data in the vault are optional. For "UPDATE" events, all fields of data other than value are ignored. In either case, if a value is supplied, it will be used by the rules engine but it will not be stored.
timestamp Date The time at which the access occurred. If not specified, the current time will be assumed. Optional
applicationId String Unique identifier for the application that was used to initiate this access. Required
applicationUser String Identifier for the application user who initiated this access. Optional
dataStoreName String Identifier for a database in which this event happened. Optional
dataStoreServer String Identifier for a database server on which this event happened. Optional
dataStoreEntityName String Identifier for a collection or table within a database in which this event happened. Optional
location Geolocation The geographic country, subdivision, and/or city where this access was initiated from. Optional

Example payload

    "eventType": "STORE",
    "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce526",
    "subjectId": "user65536",
    "data": {
        "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
        "value": {
            "line_one": "1 Hacker Way",
            "city": "Beverly Hills",
            "state": "CA",
            "postal_code": "90210"
        "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
        "regulations": ["COPPA", "GDPR"],
        "sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"

    "timestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "applicationId": "5eabb29fac3675476ae1ec48",
    "applicationUser": "csmith97",
    "location": {
        "country": "US",
        "subdivision": "NY",
        "city": "Albany"

Example response

On success, returns 200 OK and a summary of the accesses that were recorded, including newly-generated datapoint IDs for any newly-stored attributes that did not already have them.

    "eventType": "STORE",
    "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce526",
    "subjectId": "user65536",
    "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
    "subPoints": [
            "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.line_one",
            "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce626"
            "attribute": "",
            "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce627"
            "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.state",
            "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce628"
            "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.postal_code",
            "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce629"

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
400 Event type is required The event type for an activity event was not specified.
400 Unrecognized event type The event type for an activity event was something other than READ, STORE, UPDATE, or DELETE.
400 Data point ID is required for events other than creation An activity event whose event type was not STORE had no datapoint ID specified.
409 Cannot create data point with ID, as there is already a point with that ID A STORE event had a data point ID specified, but the system already contained an attribute with that datapoint ID
409 Attribute given for datapoint ID does not match attribute of existing point with that ID An UPDATE event had an attribute definition specified that does not match the attribute being updated
409 Data subject ID given for datapoint ID does not match attribute of existing point with that ID An UPDATE event had a data subject id specified that does not match the attribute being updated
400 No such attribute You are attempting to report activity for data belonging to an attribute that does not exist.
422 Expected [type] for value of attribute [attribute] The value provided for the indicated attribute or sub-attribute does not match what is expected according to that attribute's schema.
422 Unknown sub-attribute [sub-attribute] A value provided for a structured attribute contains a sub-attribute that is not present in that attribute's schema.
400 Timestamp out of range A timestamp was provided for the event that is more than one day in the future.
400 Application ID is required The application ID was not specified.
403 The provided data could not be stored, as a rule disallows it A rule has been configured that prohibits writing some of the data that was reported as having been stored.

POST /auditlogs/bulk

Identical to POST /auditlogs, but handles multiple events in one request.

Body Parameters (Required)

Name Type Description
payload List<ExternalActivityEvent> List of accesses to externally-stored data

Example payload

        "eventType": "STORE",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce526",
        "subjectId": "user65536",
        "data": {
            "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
            "value": {
                "line_one": "1 Hacker Way",
                "city": "Beverly Hills",
                "state": "CA",
                "postal_code": "90210"
            "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
            "regulations": ["COPPA", "GDPR"],
            "sensitivity": "SENSITIVE"
        "timestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "applicationId": "5eabb29fac3675476ae1ec48",
        "applicationUser": "csmith97",
        "location": {
            "country": "US",
            "subdivision": "NY",
            "city": "Albany"
        "eventType": "READ",
        "subjectId": "user65536",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f6-b474-164b2c5ce527",
        "timestamp": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "applicationId": "5eabb29fac3675476ae1ec48",
        "applicationUser": "csmith97",
        "location": {
            "country": "US",
            "subdivision": "NY",
            "city": "Albany"
        "eventType": "READ",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f6-b474-164b2c5ce527",
        "applicationId": "5eabb29fac3675476ae1ec48"
        "eventType": "STORE",
        "subjectId": "user01024",
        "data": {
            "attribute": "BILLING_ADDRESS",
        "applicationId": "5eabb29fac3675476ae1ec48"

Example response

On success, returns 200 OK and a summary of the accesses that were recorded, including newly-generated datapoint IDs for any newly-stored attributes that did not already have them.

        "eventType": "STORE",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce526",
        "subjectId": "user65536",
        "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS",
        "subPoints": [
                "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.line_one",
                "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce626"
                "attribute": "",
                "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce627"
                "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.state",
                "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce628"
                "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS.postal_code",
                "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce629"
        "eventType": "READ",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f5-b473-164b2c5ce526",
        "subjectId": "user65536",
        "attribute": "SHIPPING_ADDRESS"
        "eventType": "READ",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f6-b474-164b2c5ce527",
        "subjectId": "user01024",
        "attribute": "BILLING_ADDRESS"
        "eventType": "STORE",
        "dataPointId": "1fbeb66e-d460-43f6-b474-164b2c5ce527",
        "subjectId": "user01024",
        "attribute": "BILLING_ADDRESS",

Error responses

Status code Error message Description
400 Event type is required The event type for an activity event was not specified.
400 Unrecognized event type The event type for an activity event was something other than READ, STORE, UPDATE, or DELETE.
400 Data point ID is required for events other than creation An activity event whose event type was not STORE had no datapoint ID specified.
409 Data point ID is in use A STORE event had a data point ID specified, but the system already contained an attribute with that datapoint ID that belonged to a different data subject ID and/or attribute definition
400 No such attribute You are attempting to report activity for data belonging to an attribute that does not exist.
400 Expected [type] for value of attribute [attribute] The value provided for the indicated attribute or sub-attribute does not match what is expected according to that attribute's schema.
400 Unknown sub-attribute [sub-attribute] A value provided for a structured attribute contains a sub-attribute that is not present in that attribute's schema.
400 Timestamp out of range A timestamp was provided for the event that is more than one day in the future.
400 Application ID is required The application ID was not specified.
403 The provided data could not be stored, as a rule disallows it A rule has been configured that prohibits writing some of the data that was reported as having been stored.